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Explore History in a Digital Age

Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History

There are thousands of books about China's history, they are good for reading and probably in-depth study.  However, they are not the best tool for exploring or observing history in perspective.  With the advance of computer and internet, digital timeline (referred to as "timeline" from now on) has emerged as a more dynamic tool.  For example, while reading China's history on a timeline one can easily access the artworks of the same period.  As another example, while reading China's history in Tang Dynasty, one can easily find out what was happening in another part of the world.

To explore China's history and art HeritageEast recommends using the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History from Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York City (coloquially "the Met").

Click to see a demo in our "Artworks from Dynasties".

Although the Heilbrunn timeline is primarily about art history, it brings in a wealth of writings (essays) about the political background and social changes taking place in China from [8000-2000 B.C.] to [1900 A.D.-present].

Click to explore this long history.

China was later organized and ruled by a sequence of dynasties.  The first dynasty started around 1600 BC and the last ended in 1911.

Click to view the dynasties.